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Camping 2

Camping 2 (2010)

Brief Nudity


In the French comedy Camping 2 (2010), Richard Anconia co-stars as Jean-Pierre Savelli, an overworked insurance salesman that becomes stressed out when his fiancée Valérie (Marilyne Canto) wants to take a break in their relationship. To get away from his problems, Jean-Pierre decides to spend his vacation going to the Blue Waves camping grounds in Arcachon where he meets Patrick (Frank Dubosc), a lonely regular at the roughing-it resort, along with his group of merry vacationers (Claude Brasseur, Mylène Demongeot, and Mathilde Seigner). The two campers eventually develop a mischievous making bond that leads to a lot of laughs and some flesh. Laurent Olmedo and Antoine Duléry step up and strip down during a butt revealing visit to the local grocery store. These two dudes put a new spin on the check out lane!