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High Moon

High Moon (2014)

No Nudity

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The sci-fi boob tube flick High Moon (2014) explores what would happen if humans established colonies on the moon to mine its resources and attempt to discover new life. Jake Sandvig leads the cast as Marty Thurgood, an American astronaut that is accused and investigated for espionage and sabotage when there is an unexplained explosion near his work area. The tension builds when Marty’s older brother Ian (Chris Diamantopoulos), an agent for the federal government, is dispatched to the moon to investigate the cause of explosion. Things go really crazy when explorers discover a new life form, further jeopardizing the colonization of the moon. Spooky stuff! The futuristic flick really heats up when Jonathan Tucker gets shirtless and exchanges a kiss with the sexy Kirby Morrow. Houston, we definitely don’t have a problem!