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Jolt (2021)

Brief Nudity

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Jolt (2021) is one of those action movies that essentially requires the audience to suspend their disbelief entirely by the time the opening credits finish rolling. Kate Beckinsale—who actually dyed her hair blonde for the role, thanks IMDb trivia—stars as Lindy, a woman who has always been a little different from the rest of the girls. As a child, Lindy would act out violently against anyone, boys especially, who rubbed her the wrong way or tried to bully her in any way. Unsure of how to handle her, Lindy's parents have her sent away to a medical facility where she can be rigorously studied and it turns out that she has something called "Intermittent Explosive Disorder," which is (believe it or not) an actual condition where Lindy can't control her violent impulses in the face of a perceived slight or injustice. Where the film verges into ridiculous territory is with a device that's been implanted in Lindy to allow her to control those outbursts as she feels them coming on, which will allow her to live a somewhat normal life. After a guy named Justin (Jai Courtney) that she's been casually seeing for a while turns up dead, all signs point to Lindy being the responsible party and a Crank-esque series of events begin unfolding as her impulse control device goes on the fritz! Jai Courtney fans will be happy to know that he gives us a great look at his muscular ass while going down on Beckinsale after a date, which might just give you a jolt right where you need it!