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Mike Ratchford

Mike Ratchford Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Top Mike Ratchford Scenes


Bearded bear Mike Ratchford is still relatively unknown as an actor and that’s mainly due to the fact that, well, he has not appeared in all that many projects yet. And that’s really a shame, because he’s not only very good in what he has appeared in, but also because he’s already shown that he’s more than willing to take off his clothes in front of the camera! Aside from appearances in the two short films Prism (2008) and A Way to Go (2015), he is best known for his brief role in an episode of the Canadian TV series Sex & Violence. In one scene we see him hop out of bed and then join his lady in the bathroom, and we get a good glimpse of his built figure (and a very sexy tattoo on his arm) along the way. Better yet, we get to see his nicely plump rear end as well! More Mike Ratchford, please!