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Spider-Man (2002)

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While both Blade (1998) and X-Men (2000) were successful early entries in Marvel's cinematic domination of the 21st century, director Sam Raimi's Spider-Man (2002) smashed box office records and kicked down the doors for superheroes to dominate the box office for the next several decades. OG Pussy Posse member Tobey Maguire stars as Peter Parker, a mild-mannered shutterbug who goes mostly unnoticed by his classmates at school, except for the beautiful Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) and his rich buddy Harry Osborne (James "He Who Must Not Be Named" Franco). On a field trip to OsCorp, the conglomerate owned by Harry's dad Norman (Willem Dafoe), Peter gets bit by a radioactive spider that imbues him with super powers. While he squanders those powers at first, using them to win wrestling matches, Peter eventually heeds the advice of his beloved Uncle Ben (Cliff Robertson) that with great power comes great responsibility. Suiting up as the spectacular title character, Peter becomes a hero just in time to combat the menace known as the Green Goblin—also Harry's dad Norman—who is terrorizing New York City! If you were alive in 2002, you were in a movie theater watching this, you don't need any more particulars from us! The reason you want to see Spider-Man has everything to do with an in-their-sexy prime Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe go shirtless while discovering their super powers! When these heroes ditch the spandex, that's when the real fun begins! So remember, true believers, with great power cums great response-a-bate-ibly, which means, of course, masturbate responsibly! Always have a designated 'bater!