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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020)

No Nudity

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) is now here and you can safely watch it with or without your wiiiiife. This the long-awaited and news-making sequel to the 2006 Borat film based on the character that tall British creator Sacha Baron Cohen would sometimes do on his English comedy show Da Ali G Show (along with Ali G and gay fashion icon Bruno). His sequel came as a surprise and was filmed mostly in secret throughout the year before its release, even filming during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic. Sacha Baron Cohen is once again impersonating a television reporter from Kazakhstan. trying to understand American culture and life to bring back to his home country. In this new edition of the film, Borat returns to the states with his daughter Tutar who is played by hilarious newcomer Maria Bakalova. In 2020, Borat believes that he has become TOO popular in America after his first film so that he will be overly recognized everywhere he goes. This means that he disguises himself in public to fit in as he tries to understand American culture during the craziness that precedes the 2020 election. Sacha's disguises obviously will include a ton of suggestive costumes! He wears banana hammocks on his long cock, a prosthetic strap-on, and a thong when he's in disguise. There's no disguising his pants meat! We love any look at Sacha's sausage even when it's all wrapped up in that neat little package. Sacha's thongs and salacious underwear-clad dong have us saying "very niiiice!"